Fun(gus) ways to die

In the category of deep research on creating a fungal-based magic system for my latest fantasy novel, I’m finding out that death and fungus go hand in hand.

Photo from Dan Molter/Creative Commons
The Lovely Eastern North American Death Angel * Photo from Dan Molter/Creative Commons

First off, the cool deadly fungus names

  • Latin American Death Cap
  • Guangzhou Destroying Angel
  • Medusoid Mycelulem
  • Fool’s Mushroom
  • Deadly Dapperling
  • Deadly Parasol

Of course this list does not contain the simply poisonous mushrooms. And, in a nature bats last moment, a number of these murderous mushrooms look like edible varieties of fungus.

How do these little woodland morsels kill you?

They attack your liver, your kidneys, and your central nervous system.

In some cases, they even cause heart attacks as with Yunnan Sudden Death Syndrome.

Here are some of the people rumored to have been poisoned by mushrooms

  • The Buddha
  • Roman Emperor Claudius
  • Pope Clement VII
  • Tsarita Natalia Naryshkina

So should you listen to folk wisdom about which mushrooms to avoid?

Probably not.

Here’s some false folklore that might lead to you getting poisoned or worse…

“Avoid brightly colored mushrooms” FALSE Destroying angels are white!

“Poisonous mushrooms taste bad” FALSE Survivors have reported that the deadly Aminatas taste good. Like chicken. (just kidding)

“Insects avoid toxic mushrooms” FALSE The death cap is often infested with insect larvae.

Autumn Skullcap * Photo by Eric Steinart
Autumn Skullcap * Photo by Eric Steinart

Want to learn about how I use fungus in my fantasy magic system?

Then click right here to sign up for my email list today, get a free book, and I’ll let you know when my novel is released.







