
Is it fun anymore?

Can this be the central organizing question for change and whether we stay on a path that we have traveled?

On a surface level, the question appears flippant. Not everything in life is supposed to be fun. Within everything that we strive for, we accept that there are hills and valleys. Those valleys are not fun.

Those are belt burning days. Erase the manuscript days. Don’t show up for work days.

So any journey is not always fun. Not in every single moment.

But is the journey itself fun? Does it give you meaning? Does it give you a deep sense of joy even with the bad times?

If it does not, why do we follow it?

Why is it so hard to step from a path in which we have invested so much?

At what point, do we just hang in there for an outcome that we are expected to achieve? How hard is it to free oneself from a self image in which we have become invested?

But we have choices.

We can quit right before reaching black belt. We can stop writing in the middle of a manuscript. We can not show up to work tomorrow.

Does it bring you joy?

If it does, endure.

If not, find that journey of joy.