Black City Saint Title: Black City Saint Author: Richard A. Knaak Opening of Black City Saint First line/s: “The old, black Model T touring car rumbling past the lone street lamp across from her house had seen better days, but it served the needs of the two young, gaily dressed couples heading towards the sounds of jazz in the distance. My client grumbled under her breath in … [Read more...]
Understanding Openings: The Scourge of the Betrayer
The next book in my own going study of the craft of writing a good opening is Jeff Salyards’ dark fantasy The Scourge of the Betrayer. The Scourge of the Betrayer Title: The Scourge of the Betrayer Author: Jeff Salyards Opening of the Scourge of the Betrayer First line/s: “My new patron clambered down the wagon, dark hair slicked back like wet otter fur, eyes roaming the stable yard in … [Read more...]
Understanding Openings: The Girl with All the Gifts
A little bit of background on why I am working on understanding the opening of The Girl with All the Gifts. In my neverending work to improve the craft of writing and my understanding of storytelling, I’ve been focusing on what makes a good opening for a story. I am trying to figure out what makes a good opening, what is the experience for the reader, and what can I learn as a writer. So, in … [Read more...]